Drupal 9 - Setting Logo and Favicon

Drupal 9 - Setting Logo and Favicon

Once you Drupal Site it installed, Its a good idea to update the Logo and Favicon and it give your site a good branding.

A logo is a one of the things that is important for you website, Drupal provides an easy to update your site logo and favicon.  Favicon is also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon, is a small image file usually around 32x32 px (Though various sizes are available).

To set up the same we will follow the given step.


  1. Log in to you Drupal site as administrator. (Usually the first user)
  2. From the administrative links, click on Appearance. ( drupal-root/admin/appearance )
  3. Here look for the Default theme, usually it is indicated by Default Theme written in brackets.
  4. Default Theme
  5. To change logo for the theme click on setting of the default theme.
  6. Look for Logo image and Favicon
    1. Here uncheck: Use the logo supplied by the theme and Use the favicon supplied by the theme
    2. You will get option to upload your own logo and favicon.
    3. From the given form fields upload logo and favicon files.
  7. Default login page
  8. Click on "Save Configuration" to finalize you settings  
  9. That's it visit you sites homepage and see the new logo and favicon.

 Check out the following video for demo:

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